LHTAC is receiving FY25 LILB applications until December 12, 2024.
Application Scores
LILB applications will be scored using a combination of a Technical Analysis and Local Knowledge.
LHTAC staff is using uniform information provided by certified bridge inspections for the Technical Analysis portion of the application. No additional input from a Local Highway Jurisdiction is required for this section. The Technical Analysis is worth 75% of the application’s total score.
You can request a copy of a bridge’s inspection report by emailing Scott Wood at swood@lhtac.org.
The remaining 25% of an applications score will come from Local Knowledge. This information is provided by the LHJ, below.
Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program Applications are due by 5:00pm Mountain Time on December 12th, 2024.
Applications can be submitted using the form below, emailing the application linked above (and Memorandum of Understanding as needed) to bridge@lhtac.org, or mailing in a hard copy to:
Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program Application
3330 W Grace St.
Boise, ID 83703
Memorandum of Understanding (PDF). If not submitted to LHTAC previously, this must be emailed or sent as part of the application, whether the application was submitted by web form, email, or postal mail.