Bike and Pedestrian Workshop
May 15 & 16, 2018
Idaho Fish and Game – 600 S. Walnut St. Boise, ID 83712
LHTAC and FHWA are Hosting a Bike and Pedestrian Workshop.
Instructor Biographies
- Peter Eun (PDF)
- Brooke Stuve (PDF)
Workshop Agenda (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 1 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 2 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 3 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 4 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 5 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 6 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 7 (PDF)
- Pedestrian Part 8 (PDF)
- Bike Part A (PDF)
- Bike Part B (PDF)
- Bike Part C (PDF)
- Bike Part D (PDF)
Additional Pedestrian Resources
- US Crosswalk Laws
- Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations
- FHWA EDC4 STEP Website
Additional Bike Resources
- Idaho Statute Bike and Pedestrian Laws
- ISP FAQs – Bike Riding on Interstates in Idaho
- TRB Legal Research Digest 57: Tort Liability Defense Practices for Design Flexibility:
- Idaho Rural Partnership Community Review Program
- FHWA Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersection Safety Indices
- Adult Bicyclists in the United States: Characteristics and Riding Experience in 1996
The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) received incentive funding to provide a demonstration workshop on Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP). The two day workshop will include class instruction using FHWA experts and an onsite observation.
Cost of attending this workshop will be funded through the grant. The focus audience for the workshop is local, regional and state public agencies working on bike and pedestrian planning and projects, including Safe Routes to School, in Idaho communities.
The goal of this workshop is to enable Local Highway Jurisdictions to understand principles of design for both pedestrian and bicycle safety and to develop an understanding of how cost-effective countermeasures with known safety benefits can help reduce pedestrian and bicycle fatalities. This is an extension of the STEP course offered last September. It will expand on some of the pedestrian elements and also include a bicycle portion.
Course Description
Pedestrian: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2016 witnessed the most pedestrian fatalities since 1990. Pedestrians accounted for approximately 16 percent of all roadway fatalities (5,987), and many of these occurred while crossing the roadway at both midblock and intersection crossing locations (72 percent occurred away from intersections and 18 percent at intersections). This customized STEP workshop will cover the five treatments in the EDC4 STEP initiative but also expand to countermeasures used at signalized intersections, such as Leading Pedestrian Interval, as well as walking along the road crashes. In addition the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon is back with a new Interim Approval which we will also cover.
Bike: Participants in this course will learn why bicycle travel accommodations should be included in the transportation network, gain an understanding of key safety principles for bicyclists, and learn about design treatments, safety countermeasures, and the latest national guidance and best-practices.
Note: The course will include an optional bicycle tour to view some nearby bicycle facilities and experience the roadway from the point-of-view of the bicyclist. The tour will be suitable for riders with less experience. Bikes will be provided. Please dress appropriately and bring your own bicycle helmet.
Student Limits
There is a limit of 2 attendees per agency and a 30 student max for the class. If we reach this 30 student limit you will be placed on a wait list. If you would like to send more than 2 people from your agency please an email request to and those individuals will be added to the waitlist.
Travel Reimbursements
If you are an Idaho Local Highway Jurisdiction (City, County or Highway Jurisdiction) traveling more than 50 miles to attend you are eligible for travel reimbursements. Your mileage, hotel costs, and your per diem (minus meals we provide) are claimable. If you are staying to participate in the Idaho Walk Bike Summit, your hotel costs for those nights are also claimable. We have a block of rooms at the Courtyard by Marriott Boise Downtown (208) 331-2700 that are reserved under this conference at the government rate. When calling to make your reservations please tell them you are with the Bike/Pedestrian Workshop.
You will be reimbursed per Federal per diem rates and regulations. Be sure to keep all travel receipts for any flights, rental cars, gas receipts if using a rental car and lodging. Staff will be present at the workshop to help with travel voucher forms and questions. Contact LHTAC at 208-344-0565 if you have any questions.
Registration will close on April 13th, or sooner if seats are all filled.
Bike and Pedestrian Workshop Flyer (PDF)
If you have special dietary restrictions or will require any special assistance during this conference please email or call 208-344-0565.
Make a whole week of it!
The 2018 Idaho Walk Bike Summit will be held May 17th and 18th in Boise at the Idaho State Capitol building. The Summit will have additional sessions on bike and pedestrian design, funding, planning and other topics. Workshop participants are invited and encouraged to attend the Summit as well. For more information and to register visit: Please note that the Summit is a separate event from this.