
Federal-aid: Bridge 

The LHTAC Federal-aid Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Bridge Program provides funds for the replacement and rehabilitation of local bridges on the Federal-aid classified system or off-system. The local match requirement for bridges on the Federal-aid system is 7.34%.  Applications for bridges not on the Federal-aid system do not require a local match.  The funds are awarded through the Local Federal-aid Program administered by LHTAC.

 Bridge applications will generally be accepted every other year (2023, 2025, 2027). The prioritized list of applications from the 2023 application cycle is anticipated to enter construction in FY28 & FY29. Only one project application per jurisdiction will be accepted each application cycle. This bridge program was created in past federal highway bills with the addition of a dedicated off-system program in IIJA. The current level of funding is based on 2022 funding levels. Due to limited funds, LHTAC will only program $3M or less in total project cost toward a funding package for a bridge. The local jurisdiction can provide additional funds above and beyond the match requirement for larger projects.

Downloadable Forms


LHTAC 2024 Bridge Application Packet (PDF)

The packet above includes program background information, directions for filling out the forms, and descriptions that show how applications are graded.


Program Overview: Federal-aid Bridge (PDF)

Learn about Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil–Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) and FHWA EDC-3 Initiative.

Bridge map:

Program Contact Information: Scott Wood, or Kevin Kuther