Small Urban

Federal-aid: Small Urban

Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Small Urban funds are allocated for projects in urban areas with populations greater than 5,000 and less than 50,000 as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau. Current urban areas are based on the 2020 census. Funds may be used for a new construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of roadways functionally classified by FHWA as urban arterials or urban collectors. It can also be used to create or update a Transportation Plan encompassing the entire urban area. The local match requirement is 7.34%.

The Federal Highway program dedicates funds to urban areas. The Traffic Management Area (TMA), northern Ada County, has separate dedicated funds since the population is over 200,000. Urban areas between 50,000 and 200,000 receive funding through their respective Metropolitan Planning Organization. The 17 smaller urban areas, between 5,000 and 50,000 populations, receive urban funds through LHTAC in a statewide competitive application process. These urban areas include 26 jurisdictions.

LHTAC will only program $3M or less for construction and construction engineering or provide $3M toward a project funding package. The local jurisdiction can provide additional funds above and beyond the match requirement for larger projects.

Downloadable Forms


LHTAC 2024 Small Urban Application Packet (PDF)

The packet above includes program background information, directions for filling out the forms, and descriptions that show how applications are graded.


Program Overview: STBG Rural & Urban (PDF)

List of Urban and Small Urban Jurisdictions (PDF)

Program Contact Information: Kevin Kuther,