Free Online Training Tools! Looking to improve your workforce skills? The National Highway Institute has 180+ courses at NO COST for Local and Tribal transportation government staff.
Register HERE (It’s Quick and Easy!)
Classes may be applied to the LHTAC T2 Center’s Road Scholar and Road Master Program.
Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive an order confirmation via e-mail.
Visit the NHI Training page to learn about the different types of training and materials that NHI provides.
Please note: To maintain the integrity of training records and certifications, NHI cannot allow users to share account usernames and passwords. Every NHI training participant is required to create an individual account and register for courses independently.
If you are an employee of the Hosting Agency, please contact the host agency or local coordinator to determine if space is available in the Instructor-led Training.
If you enrolled in a Web-based Training, you will be able to access your training immediately through “My Training.”
If you enrolled in a Web-conference Training, you may also access this course through “My Training,” but you will need to wait until your training commences before you can start your course.
All Instructor-led Trainings must be attended in person at the scheduled time.
For all Web-based Training and Web-conference Training, your course history should be displayed on the My Training web page under the tab titled My Courses. To launch a course, select the word Launch found in the associated column entitled Launch. The course will automatically open in a new window.
Before launching a Web-based Training or Web-conference Training, please be sure to test your computer for Flash Player. Flash Player is necessary for the course to run properly.
This may require the help of your IT support person if Flash needs to be installed.