Online Training – TC3

Free Online Training for Locals

The Federal Highway Administration has partnered with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials to provide the Local and Tribal Agencies with credit toward professional certifications through the TC3 Online Training Library.

TC3 has over 200 state-of-the-art video courses in the areas of highway construction, maintenance, and materials.

T2 Center Credit: Many courses may be accepted towards the LHTAC T2 Center Road Scholar or Road Master Program as elective credits.


No-cost training for local and tribal agencies

Do any of these describe your agency?

  • You need to manage projects from cradle to grave
  • Chip seal might be an answer for upgrading your gravel roads but crews need training
  • It has been a long time since you cracked that high school math book
  • You need professional development hours that won’t break the bank

Local and tribal agencies are responsible for more than 75 percent of our Nation’s highway network. They need training to stay at the top of their game, but that can be expensive and is not always convenient.

To help, The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) purchased access for local and tribal governments to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) TC3 online training platform.

Practitioners can take unlimited courses at no cost to them.

Get Started!

Create an AASHTO account at Select ‘Register‘ and enter your agency email address, to gain unlimited access to the curriculum. Use promotion code D5X3-B3D9-52CB-4XCX to access TC3 course offerings.

See this video on how to register: video how-to register in the TC3 learning modules

For more information visit The Center for Local Aid Support.