TAP Resource Center

Transportation Alternatives Program

The Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Aside from the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program provides funding for a variety of generally smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails and safe routes to school projects.

Eligible Jurisdictions – Local sub-divisions of government, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school district, tribal government, metropolitan planning organization, nonprofit entity, any local or regional agency with responsibility or oversight of transportation or trails and state government at the request of any of the other listed agencies.

Eligible Projects – Per ITD Administrative Policy 5081, funds can be used for the design and construction for on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other nonmotorized forms of transportation, including sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle signals, traffic calming techniques, lighting and other safety-related infrastructure, and transportation projects to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

TAP Manual (PDF)


TAP Non-infrastructure (NI)

The TAP Non-infrastructure Program is a subsidiary of TAP and funds non-infrastructure activities aimed at enforcement and/or educating the public about safely walking or biking to school.

Eligible Jurisdictions – Local sub-divisions of government (this includes law enforcement agencies), regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school district, tribal government, metropolitan planning organization, nonprofit entity, any local or regional agency with responsibility or oversight of transportation or trails and state government at the request of any of the other listed agencies.

Eligible Projects – School zone enforcement grants, or Safe Routes to School programs for a geographic area of Idaho.

TAP Applications

LHTAC typically opens calls for applications to the TAP Program every other year. These applications will fund projects or activities for 2-3 years in the future. The next call for applications will be the Fall of 2023.

Details for the 2023 Funding Workshops are available on the Programs page.

Application FAQs (posted after 2023 Fall Workshops)

TAP Infrastructure Application

Pre-application Checklist (Word)

Application (PDF)

TAP Project Schedule Template (PDF)

TAP Estimating Worksheet (XLSX)

Form ITD-1983, Local Public Agency’s Certificate of Completion of Right of Way Activities (PDF)

Environmental Screening (PDF)

TAP Non-infrastructure Application

Applications (PDF)

MPO Application

MPO Application information coming soon

2022 TAP Rankings

2022 TAP Rankings (PDF)

LHTAC received 41 applications for funding from FY22 to FY25. There was an increase in Federal funds for these years. All 41 applications are funded.

Application Technical Assistance (Upon request)

Infrastructure Projects: Amanda LaMott, ALaMott@LHTAC.org, (208) 344-0565 ext. 1022

Non-Infrastructure Projects: Ken Kanownik, KKanownik@LHTAC.org, (208) 344-0565 ext. 1036 

Project Selection

[Infographic coming soon]

Funded Projects Resources

Funded Projects webpage

          TAP Manual – Memo 17B

TAP-Funded Projects

ITD Guidelines for Local Public Agency Projects (PDF)

State and Local Agreement Guidance (Awaiting ITD approval)

Sponsor/LHTAC/ITD roles and responsibilities (missing link)

TAP Manual – Updated 2023 (Word)


TAP Non-infrastructure Funded Projects

TAP NI New Projects Guide (Word)

TAP NI Continuing Projects Guide (Word)


Project Development

DBE Race/Gender-Conscious Special Provisions, Local Projects (PDF)

EEO Special Provision (PDF)

Non-collusion Statement (PDF)

Drug Free Workplace (PDF)

Buy America Specifications Changes (Word)

Title VI Inclusions (PDF)

FHWA-1273 (PDF)

Prompt Payment (Word)

Minimum Testing/Sampling Requirement Template (Excel)

TAP Environmental Contractor Notes and Special Provisions (Word)

Project Construction Resources

TAP Closeout Form (Word)

Generic CE&I Scope of Work (Word)

TAP Pre-Construction Agenda (Word)

Form LHTAC-2788, Pollution Prevention Plan (Word | PDF)

Minimum Testing Requirements Form (Excel)

Safe Routes to School Annual Meeting Resources

Program Contacts

TAP Application and Projects – Amanda LaMott, LHTAC Federal-aid Engineer – ALaMott@LHTAC.org.

TAP Non-infrastructure Program – Ken Kanownik, LHTAC Deputy Administrator – KKanownik@LHTAC.org

Policy and Oversight – Abby Peterson – TAP@itd.idaho.gov