
Roadway Materials Equivalent – T2 Announcement

The Roadway Materials class is a requirement to complete the Road Scholar Level 1 Program.  Currently the LHTAC T2 Center has been unable to offer this class due to limited instructor availability.  While the T2 Center is in the process of finding a new instructor for the course, and trying to work around health restrictions across the state, an online equivalent has been determined. 

The combination of the following 3 courses can be taken to fulfill the Roadway Materials requirement to complete the Road Scholar Program. 

These online classes are provided for free by ASHTO TC3 Training Program.

How can I access these ASHTO TC3 free classes?

Create an AASHTO account at Select ‘Register‘ and enter your agency email address, to gain unlimited access to the curriculum. Use promotion code D5X3-B3D9-52CB-4XCX to access TC3 course offerings.

Click HERE to find out more about online training options.