Please submit any outside classes for us to add to your transcript. To get a full credit point, classes must be a minimum of four hours. You can receive partial credit for classes between 1 and 3 hours.
In 2018, the Center for Local-Aid Support negotiated an agreement with AASHTO to provide local governments and tribal transportation practitioners with access to the TC3 online training library. In 2019 FHWA announced additional access for local agencies and tribes to the National Highway Institute online training resources and soon the portfolio will include several course from the Institute of Transportation Engineers. FHWA’s sponsorship of these resources will provide local agencies and tribes with access to more than 400 raining modules.
Calendar of upcoming Webinars (updated daily on NLTAPA Site…just click and register):
Flyer on NHI and TC3 Training (PDF)
Flyer on CLL Online Training (PDF)
NLTAPA Tailgate Talks (Link) NLTAPA Training Resources (Link) NLTAPA Webinar Calendar (Link)
Check out this great resource from the University of Kansas Transportation Center. They have gathered and created a searchable spreadsheet for self-paced online training resources. Searchable Online Training Resources (Excel)
We are excited to announce the release of the CLAS Online Training Courses for Local Agencies and Tribal Communities Training booklet.
This booklet contains details and registration instructions for training and resources available to local agencies and tribes. Please share on your Social Media and websites and be sure to tag it #TrainwithCLAS.
Classes may be applied to the LHTAC T2 Center’s Road Scholar and Road Master Program.
To receive credit for outside training, we ask participants to send us the class information prior to taking the training. This is so we can review the topics and make sure that it pertains to the courses offered in the Road Scholar program.
The amount of credit received can also depend on the length of time spent on training. If the training is two hours, you might receive .25 credit.
Here are two pre-approved online courses that can be applied to the LHTAC T2 Road Scholar Program
If you have any questions or would like us to review the training you’re interested in, please contact our T2 Coordinator Nancy Ziebarth at
We will continue to post and share online trainings as they become available. Thank you for your patience.