With the decommission of MAPS a few years ago, we’re interested in standardizing Minimum Testing Requirements (MTR’s) and Materials Summary Reports (MSR’s). While working on LHTAC projects, please use this template for your project MTR’s. When it comes to the end of a project this document will serve as your MSR.
To generate your MSR, simply change the heading to Materials Summary Report, replace the cell that says Bid Quantity with Final Quantity, and key in all testing/certifications as well as note the staff member who verified them.
Rebecca Howell Construction Coordinator
Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
3330 W. Grace Street
Boise, ID 83703
P (208) 344-0565
C (208) 286-8934 rhowell@lhtac.org
The Sampler/Tester Qualification Committee (STQC) has introduced a Self-Consolidating Concrete Testing Technician (SCCTT) Qualification for Samplers and Testers.
At LHTAC, we see the value that this qualification brings to a project and prefer that inspection staff obtain the qualification. That being said, this qualification will not be required for personnel working on LHTAC projects until the STQC and the Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) formally require it. It is our understanding that the SCCTT qualification requirement will be adopted in the near future. Please ensure your staff is qualified appropriately when the time comes.
For questions on this please contact the Sampler/Tester Qualification Committee.
Summer is just around the corner, which also means that construction season is beginning. No matter your construction training needs, TC3 has you covered. Their Construction category has more than 120 trainings which include:
As of April 1, 2021 only flaggers certified via in-person training are allowed to work on projects. However, flaggers certified through an ATSSA or Evergreen Safety Council online course prior to April 1, 2021 may continue to be allowed on projects under the certain conditions.