
Celebrating 20 Years and You’re Invited!

You are invited to help us celebrate LHTAC’s 20th anniversary! LHTAC will host a celebration in conjunction with our March Council meeting and will follow up with mini-celebrations on our tour to Eastern Idaho in June and Northern Idaho in September. The celebrations will include refreshments, an update on LHTAC and fun giveaways. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the council meeting to see first hand what’s on our upcoming agenda.  


New Spring Schedule

Registration for the 2014 Spring T2 Classes opened Monday, February 3rd.

Please note:

  • Some class locations are still being determined and will be updated on the class calendar
  • Additional classes may be added so please be sure to check our website for new classes and updates
  • To request a specific class in your area, please email us at and indicate the number of people committed to attend
  • Road Scholar/Road Master requirements have recently changed
  • All classes start at 8:30 a.m. unless noted otherwise
  • Attendees will have an one-hour lunch break (lunch not provided)
  • An invoice will be mailed out once the course is complete

Cancellation Policy:  Notice of cancellation must be received at least two business days prior to the class; all no-shows will be charged.  Registration cancellations can be completed by logging on to our site with your user name and password or by contacting the T2 Center directly at  208-344-0565 or at 1-800-259-6841.

Technical Transfer Study in Western States

The Technical Transfer Study in Western States reviews the policies and procedures of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and the Local Highway Technical Assistance policies and procedures in the management of federally funded local public agency (LPA) projects. The states included in the study are Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The goal of the study is to identify opportunities for improvement in the LHTAC and ITD process and recommend changes that would improve the development and construction of local agency Federal-aid projects in Idaho. The study looked at several areas to gain a better understanding of the approach different states took in administering the Federal-aid program.

These areas included:

  • Distribution of federal funding
  • Stewardship agreements
  • Consultant contracts
  • Design standards
  • Project development process
  • Construction management

Download and Read the Full Report

Technical Transfer Study Western States (PDF)

LHTAC Annual Report FY13

The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) in accordance with Title 40-2404, Idaho Code, provides copies of our Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report to members of the Idaho House and Senate Transportation Committees.

Download and Read the Full Report

LHTAC Annual Report FY13 (PDF)