These manuals produced or made available by the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) are a resource to assist the Local Highway Jurisdictions and are intended to provide guidance on various areas including Design and Construction, Right-of-Way, Maintenance, Equipment Rates, Transportation Plans, and Local Highway Jurisdictions.
Highway & Street Guidelines for Design and Construction (PDF) 2021
The Location, Support, and Mounting of Mailboxes (PDF) 2020
Development of a Highway System Map (PDF) 2002
Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program Toolkit (PDF) 2021
MnDOT Pavement Compaction Tool (Program Download)
Pavement Interactive (website)
Field Guide For Accessible Public Rights-of-Way (PDF) 2012
Use of Public Right-of-Way Standard Approach Policy (PDF) 2020
Use of Public Right-of-Way Permits for Utilities and Encroachments (PDF) 2021
Right-of-Way Acquisition without Federal Funds (PDF) 2014
Joint Exercise of Powers, Transfer of Property and Use of Volunteers (PDF) 2021
LHTAC recommends the following resources for asphalt pavement sealcoats
Gravel Roads (PDF) 2021
Permits For Operations and Maintenance (PDF) 2004
Sign Vandalism Prevention Program (PDF) 2014
Preventing Sign Vandalism Handout (PDF) 2014
Transportation Plan (PDF) 2014
Local Highway Jurisdiction Funding (PDF) 2014
The Creation Of Local Improvement Districts (PDF) 1998
The Formation of Highway Districts (PDF) 2007