2022 Workshop Slides: Federal-aid (PDF)
Federal-aid: Bridge
The Bridge Program provides funds for the replacement or rehabilitation of bridges. A bridge is defined as being at least 20 feet long and carrying a public road. Eligibility is having a sufficiency rating less than 50 for replacement, between 50 and 75 for rehabilitation, and being structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. This program requires a local match of 7.34% of the total project cost.
Rural application due Jan. 9, 2025
Surface Transportation Program (STP) Local funds are allocated for projects on the local Federal-aid system defined as collectors and arterials owned and managed by the local highway jurisdictions (LHJs). STP funds can be used for new construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of roadways, planning, corridor studies and similar activities. The approximately $27M in annual funding is split between Rural and Urban. This program requires a local match of 7.34% of the total project cost.
View the ITIP 101 Brochure explaining the ITIP timeline and process.
The Federal-aid Bridge, Small Urban Transportation Plans, and Rural scores and rankings were approved at the March 12, 2021 LHTAC Council Meeting. Below you will find the rankings and what has been submitted in the Draft ITIP.