Applications due Jan. 23, 2025
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a federally funded program aimed at eliminating Fatal and Serious Injury (Type A) crashes on the roadway system. Annually, Local Highway Jurisdictions (LHJs) receive approximately $11M of State HSIP funds through the Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (LHSIP), a program administered through LHTAC. Local Highway Jurisdictions (LHJs) with a Fatal and/or Serious Injury (Type A) crash in a rolling five (5) year window are eligible for the program. LHJs that have experienced at least one (1) Fatal or Serious Injury (Type A) crash over the last five years are eligible to apply. Qualifying LHJs are identified by LHTAC and notified each fall to begin the application process. This federally funded program requires a local match, not to exceed 7.34%.
LHTAC 2025 LHSIP Application (PDF)
The packet above includes program background information, directions for filling out the forms, and descriptions that show how applications are graded.
It does not include the Excel form listed below.
Individual Forms:
Program Overview: Local Highway Safety Improvement Program Handout (PDF)
Program Contact Information: Brian Wright,